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Von St. Maria Magdalena zur Erkenbert-Ruine

Sabine Klapp, Dörte Kaufmann,
+ 1 weiterer
20,00 €
Die vorliegende Publikation legt Grundlagen für eine Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Augustinerchorherrenstifts Groß-Frankenthal Der vorliegende Band zeichnet die Entwicklung des Augustinerchorherrenstifts Groß-Frankenthal nach und verdeutlicht in sechs historischen bzw. kunst- und architekturhistorischen Beiträgen dessen Bedeutung als überregionales wirtschaftliches, kulturelles und religiöses Zentrum.
Secrets of the Great Ocean Liners

32,60 €
In the golden age of ocean liners, between the late nineteenth century and the Second World War, shipping companies ensured their vessels were a home away from home. This book leads the reader through each of the stages and secrets of ocean liner travel, from booking a ticket and choosing a cabin to shore excursions and disembarking on arrival.
House of Europe

Stephanie Jacobs, Aleida Assmann,
+ 9 weitere
22,00 €
- Idea of a community of shared values - Surprising opinions on Europe - Unexpected images of Europe - Idea of a community of shared values - Surprising opinions on Europe - Unexpected images of Europe
Delivery to the Lost City

10,40 €
Suzys third adventure to the Impossible Places is quickly plunged into mayhem as a mysterious overdue book begins sucking the knowledge from the entire Ivory Tower library. With the heat on to save all the information from disappearing, Suzy and Wilmot must venture through a void storm, and dive down into the depths of a secret underwater city housed in a gigantic snail shell to return the book
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